Monday, March 15, 2010

$$$ BETTER SPENT: Groceries

No, I am not a vegan. No, I don't buy anything organic (unless it's on sale below the price of non-organic). No, I wouldn't recycle unless the city made me. I'm trying not to drink, I'm not trying to be a Saint.

Perhaps that will all change one day.

The Chinese are very superstitious with numerology. So when I checked out of my new favorite grocery store, BEST YET MARKET, I was amazed to see that I spent $58 exactly. That number had been coming up a lot in my recent life. The last time I spent $58 exactly was at a bar called Su Casa last Wednesday night.....

***sidebar: I got so wasted that night, I fell off a wooden table ala Scarlett takes a tumble.***

What was I able to afford at Su Casa?
  • 5 Jack Daniels on the rocks
  • a 15% tip
What did I get at the grocery store?
  • 6 packages of ground turkey
  • 2 packages of chicken breast
  • 2 pasta sauces
  • 7 frozen Smart Ones meals
  • Ground Tumeric (for my healthy Halal Street Meat recipe to come)
  • LOTS MORE!!!!
That's about 2 weeks worth of meals! And I don't get a bruised ego/ass at the end of the night!

Note that I now have two new GO GREEN bags, but I wouldn't have taken them unless they were FREE. But now that I have them, I guess I'll try to use them

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