Monday, July 6, 2009

DAY 10: CUT THE FAT [From your closet...]

I hope not to sound too much like a TLC show, but it is time to clean the crap out of your closet [I'll resist any tempting closet jokes....].

After 3 months of being out of town, I began unpacking my boxes that I stored away for my sublet. When suddenly thought to myself, if you lived without it for 3 months, why not the rest of your life?

Preliminary Rules by which to throw things out:
1. If you haven't worn it within a year. [you get the full seasonal excuse]
2. If it's ugly.... [you tried to make it work, but give it up.]
3. If you have more than one of the same item [socks don't count]
4. If it's a size too large [never aspire to be able to fit in it again!]
5. If you have more than 100 facebook photos of your wearing the garment. [enough is enough].

Your closet should be half empty now...... and if not....

DO IT AGAIN but with these rules:
1. If it hasn't made it into your laundry rotation in 6 months
2. If you've owned it for more than 5 years
3. If it has a really tacky logo [ie. GAP, Old Navy, or worse....Abercrombie!]
4. If it's two sizes too small [let's be realistic]
5. If someone could mistaken it for a costume piece

It's not about giving away your worldly possessions. It's about clearing the clutter so you can fill your life with meaningful people and experiences. Also, for more vain reasons, it'll force your good sense of style to the surface of your wardrobe by providing a renewed sense of clarity.

Middle School: Seriously, get rid of the show t-shirts....
High School: Appropriate for the beach, but did I think it was appropriate for 8th Period English Lit?
College: I once worked at Bubba Gump. Was I planning to revisit those charming days?
The sweatshirt says it all, "stupid is as stupid does"

1 comment:

  1. Yes, yes, yes!! I totally concur.

    Check out my post about how to make the whole ordeal a party:
