Friday, July 3, 2009

DAY 7: FIND TREASURE [Into the woods...]

Tim, my band's drummer, and I were supremely bored as the NYC rain continued to rain on our parade. With a lack of funds, we threw a whole bunch of ideas out there including renting a movie, some old video games, and/or continue sitting there with absolutely nothing to do.

Then we contemplated a SCAVENGER HUNT. But to make one is a lot of work, no? That's when Tim remembered this new global community that participates in GEOCACHING.

All you need as a GPS (or a friend with an IPhone) and your first set of coordinates. Use your brain power and find some REAL TREASURE. And you can cherish your "wholesome" memories for the rest of you life..... sappy huh?

GPS Lite - Free for Iphone and all you need for Geocaching.
Oh, and a brain cell.
Our travels brought us to Central Park at night....not the brightest move.
But we did indeed find the CACHE! Try it before you knock it.
It's addictive!

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