Thursday, July 2, 2009

DAY 6: GO TO THE BAR?!?! [If you can't beat 'em]

Yes, that is right. I say, go to the bar. I couldn't help but visit my FAVORITE bar in NYC, The Beauty Bar. This is a place where you can have a martini and a manicure for $15 bucks. I have spent many a night wasted on 14th street after a crapload of drinking. One of my finest memories lives right outside of my favorite haunt's doors. Preface: This interaction occurred with a good friend of quite some time, he shall remain nameless.....

Drunk ME: So, you want to come back to my place?
Straight Dude: Um. I don't think I do that anymore, you're very handsome but....
Drunk ME: It's okay...
Straight Dude: I mean if you knew me in college...
Drunk ME: Can I be honest for a minute? The only reason why I'm friends with you is cause i thought one day we'd f*ck.
Straight Dude: Meaning?
Drunk ME: Lose my number.

....any mother would be proud of me, no?.

Anyways, I was wary as to whether or not I could enjoy dancing my ass off without the "liquid devil" (thanks WB for that) . Let me just tell you that my neck is so sore, my feet in blisters....cause I was a dancing fool and had the time of my life. Beauty Bar still has the best DJ's that hook you up!

And what did it cost me? 2 Diet Cokes and a Water = FREE plus a $3 tip. This morning, no hangover, and no hangover poop ("WHAT DID I EAT LAST NIGHT?!?!?!").

Sans drink, I still found myself dancing on a table...
and getting yelled at by the bartender seconds after the photo was taken.

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